


#1. Select your gender

#2. What is your age?

#3. Set your goal on timing ? Pick the amount of time you will spend on self-development daily

#4. Motivation ? Do you agree with the statement below?

#5. Habits ? Do you agree with the statement below?

#6. Learning ? Do you agree with the statement below?

#7. Who inspires you the most?

#8. Set up your goal!

#9. No waste of time. Your self-growth needs just a few minutes a day ? We’re serious about small changes leading to big results

#10. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#11. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#12. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#13. I usually feel that I lack inner power to face challenges

#14. I’ve always thought that I need to train positive thinking

#15. I genuinely feel happy

#16. What is the first step towards developing daily routines? Making a plan! ? According to Forbes, daily routines are essential to a successful life! Success means something different to everyone, at Self-Growth we aim to guide each user to their own personal triumph.

#17. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#18. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#19. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#20. I often feel like I am capable of much more professionally

#21. I always want to maintain a healthy work-life balance

#22. Do you sometimes feel like your success could be bigger?

#23. Facts time! ? According to your answers

#24. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#25. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#26. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#27. I often tend to lose my boundaries in relationships

#28. In my relationships, I want to achieve a better mutual understanding

#29. Would you like to have a deeper intimacy with your partner?

#30. Just take a look! Based on your preferences, we’ve picked

#31. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#32. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#33. Does this book seem interesting to you?

#34. I tend to doubt myself and my skills if I make a mistake

#35. I feel the need to boost my time-management skill

#36. I often find it challenging to make a decision quickly

#37. Benefits of a personalized Self-Growth plan

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